10 Replies

Your nurse is so rough with you 😒! I also experienced the same, my baby kept facing upside down in the middle of the scan. Few tricks that the nurse taught me and what we did: - Nurse nudge the area, up down a few times. - These are the few things I did: Cough, sneeze, clear my throat, laugh, and flip my body side to side. We repeated this a few times. Baby managed to flip back then upside down again when the scan was ending. I also did the scan with my body tilting sideways a few times. Hope this helps! ❤️☺️

my nurse for my 20 weeks scan was very experienced. she said that at this stage, nudging doesn't really have impact on the baby as the sac and the water is supposed to protect the baby. she made me squat and hug my legs and did some stretching, by doing so it apparently moves the fluid in the sac that kinda awakes/prompts the baby to move. and it worked for me... the baby changed position. ☺

Haha the doctor just kept shaking and pressing at the stomach but no luck. In the end was told to go out drink something walk around for 30min. I think it really is up to luck whether the baby moves or not coz - mine pretty much ignores all external stimulation and does his own thing. Agree the belly feels bruised and sore hours after, but no impact it seems.

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Mine was such during my 20wks scan. Baby refused to turn.. coz she’s in breech position. After almost an hour of trying, I was asked to go for bfast & walk. Came back another hour of scan, still the same..

me too... my girl was pretty stubborn... I keep hearing the nurse keep sighing and complaining .. saying baby why... I had to change nurse but eventually still managed after half a day

mine also like that for the process of scan. quite painful. nurse ask me to flip side to side and do squats. luckily in the end manage to do all the necessary measurements.

mine is also like that! somehow dr managed to always check the heartbeat. they say eat or drink something sugary before the scan to get the baby moving. take care!

you're not alone. my boy also purposely face down and refuse to Corporate during the scan. the nurse said mine was the hardest to scan 😆

mine also like that. in the end nurse fed up and just anyhow scan 😩

oh that's horrible.. now I feel abit scared to go scanning.. I still in pain... 😥

Just walk around for 10-15 mins then baby will move position

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