Hi all mummies! I am a mother of 3 young ones, 4.5yo, 3yo and 14.5mo. Am currently 27yo. Since #3 arrived, I have been feeling tired all the time. I'm really at my wits end. These feeling of exhaustion is killing me. I don't feel productive & makes me feel like a lousy mother. FYI I have been the only one handling night shifts to look after baby & kids alone since #1 arrived. Most of the time I look after all of them myself even if husband at home. I am so tired looking after them all the time and feeling exhausted and lethargic, my chores have been left untouched. How do you mummies get the energy to be up and about without feeling exhausted and lethargic if you have more than 2 kids with close age gaps and looking after them by yourself?

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