Hi mummies I have a question Do we burp our LO during night feed ard 3-5am? LO is turning 3mths i understand we have to but i have always have difficult time burping baby when she's asleep OR sometimes after i burp her, her eyes will be wide open. Pls advice Thank you

Hi I burped my baby even during night feeds because my baby had mild silent reflux. Even now at 9.5 months some times I will find she puke a bit of milk out if I do not burp her at night. If she can't burp at least hold baby in a 45 degrees position for 15 mins. I understand that it may be hard at night especially when they may wake up after burping but for better digestion and prevention of choking on puke I think it is worth the effort. But I think you can stop doing that when baby is able to sit upright on his own because usually by then babies don't require burping anymore but it also depends if your baby is the type who has reflux
Read moreYes, still need to burp until baby can sit up on their own which I think 3 months is not likely yet. U can still burp them when they are sleeping. We will put baby in the over-the-shoulder position and then baby will fall asleep while we are still tapping his back to help him burp. Try to persist for abt 15-20min to burp. One burp is better than none - especially if u are bottle feeding. If never burp enough/properly, sometimes baby can still regurgitate or burp several hrs later when u next decide to pick them up
Read moreI dunno if there is a need to burp but I personally don't. It's already hard enough to get her to sleep.. If I burp her and she wakes up, then it means I don't have to sleep. Nothing adverse happened anyway when I didn't burp her at night... My Lo is 7 months now.
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Lol, i try to burp baby as well, but always failed. I gave up after 3 months old. Have you heard of the colic tummy massage. It worked wonders.