How to manage night feedings with newborn ?

Hi Mummies, I am a first time mom and I have a 8 weeks old baby boy. I want to ask how are other mummies managing the night feedings? Do you latch every 3 hrs or give bottles for night feeds ? Currently I get up every 3 hrs at night to feed and it is very tiring :( Does this get better ? #firsttimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp

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you can latch side lying . I at times pump at times latch at night depending how full my breast is . but if you pumping you can ask your hubby to feed the baby . try to sleep when baby is sleeping or else jialat damn tired.

2y ago

Thanks Mia. Yeap I try to pump when I can but I don’t stress myself too much with it as I rest when baby rests. Another thing is that my baby doesn’t sleep much in day time. He would hardly sleep for like half an hour or so. Hence I rely very much on night sleep.