How to manage night feedings with newborn ?

Hi Mummies, I am a first time mom and I have a 8 weeks old baby boy. I want to ask how are other mummies managing the night feedings? Do you latch every 3 hrs or give bottles for night feeds ? Currently I get up every 3 hrs at night to feed and it is very tiring :( Does this get better ? #firsttimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp

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I do bottle feedings as I’m pumping. Also for my sanity, I don’t want to be latching 6/7/8 times in one night compared to 2-3 bottles. My LO only started STTN at 6-7mo. Since LO’s feeding time is about the same as my pumping schedule, either ways I have to wake up or I’ll end up with a screaming baby or engorgement. It will get better as time past as your body clock will get immune to the constant frequent wakes. Back then when I had to wake up and pump 2-3 hourly during midnights I feel like crying, now that I’m used to it and immuned, I can sleep at 6 and wake up 8 like a dragon 😂. Find something that can keep yourself awake, can try to watch dramas/wash your face/have a drink or even stretching.

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2y ago

Thanks a lot babe! Even reading this makes me feel better. May I check from what month it starts getting better in terms of longer sleeping duration and longer time to pump/latch ? My baby is currently 8 weeks old