Confinement nanny
Hi mummies, Where do you book your confinement nannies and how long in advance? Thanks :)

used PEM in year 2019 after reading all reviews but end up getting lousy CN, it depends a lot on LUCK in getting good CN, definitely not the reviews as some of the reviews are FORCE to write (my CN ask me take photo and post review in FB on her 1st day of work 🙄) have to book as early as 3months if u really need CN
Read moreI chose PEM cause there’s at least the confirmation that there will be someone (instead of no show) as the agency will be responsible to ensure a nanny, even if not experienced will turn up and the price is fixed. Booked at second trimester because of history of miscarriage so I didn’t want to act too early.
Read moreI contacted them too. But they do not have any. Available slots for dec.
I found mine from a confinement nanny FB group. Think I booked about 5months in advance. All the agencies were fully booked last year but quite lucky that I managed to find a nanny frm Msia who was already in SG since the covid lockdown.
Booked during 2nd trimester and it was through word of mouth recommendation. Better book early as their availability gets snapped up quite fast and also due to current covid period, a lot of CN from m’sia unable to come in..
Ya so difficult to find one now and it’s so expensive
Bcos I'm FTM I decided to book one and chose PEM when I just hit 2nd trimester and already they were telling me not many slots left. If EDD is cny period then there is surcharge. Hopefully I get a good one...
My EDD is next year CNY and i heard some of the mummies having same EDD month as it that CN is going to be so ex like almost $5k!😱😱😱 so most probably wont get 1 cos of the high cost..
Wow that’s too expensive . But you will need lots of rest . Good to get a CN
i choose baby whisperer, i booked mine in May 2020 for EDD in October 2020. i suggest you to book after your first trimester as the covid situation might cause a strain on supply.
My Edd was nov and PEM is already fully book till next year. Hence I go for confinement angel and mange to get a CA.. praying hard a good CN as it seem gd or bad CN depends on luck
Good luck. I’m waiting for confinement angel to revert. Now it’s difficult to get and expensive.
it is good to book early as most CL already got their booking till next June here is another confinement nanny agency :
for my first pregnancy edd may 2020, I booked my confinement nanny at about week 12. by then alot of them were booked already.
Thanks for sharing. I’m on week 16, just started looking. Hope it’s not too late