Secondhand item

Hi mummies, what’s your opinion about using secondhand breast pump and steriliser? Pretty good deal from carousell seller as those items were lightly used🫣 I am pretty sure if we google they will recommend not to😂

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Personally I’m not keen on secondhand breast pump due to hygiene reason. Also you never know if it is indeed lightly used or not, maybe the motor don’t work properly anymore, see if you’re willing to take the risk.

For me i am not one who likes 2nd hand items. Even my cousin offered me her s1 i get my own parts i also not v keen. 😅 its hard to also know how lightly used it was… mayb just not what i would do 😂

But pump second hand and bottles and other parts should be bought fresh. You can buy second hand clothes but I personally don’t prefer them

Buy 2nd hand breast pump from carousell but the parts, buy new one. I tried wearable breast pump from shopee. Cheap and good! Time saver.

Steriliser is okay I guess? Clothes I’m ok with second hand too. But I will most definitely not use second hand breast pump or bottles.

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actually it's ok. but you may consider getting the bottles and nipples teat changed.