veg intro
hi mummies, what other kind of green veg would u suggest if my baby doesnt like broccoli and spinach 😒

Try kale, cai xin, xiao bai cai, nai bai, fine beans, French beans, sweet peas, peas, snow peas, zucchini. These are all the ‘green’ vegetables I give my LO. For leafy greens I try to buy the hydroponics non pesticide or organic ones. I give her non green vegetables as well. She loves them so far.
Hi all mommies, my 12 weeks completed, 13th week 2 days, can I make love??? If anyone answer, it will be helpful for me
you can try adding spinach food powder. How about trying carrots, pumpkins, cauliflower, peas, sweet potatoes?
Last time during my era my mother train me & my sister to eat all types of vegetables despite our dislike. Today, we eat all types of greens, my mother says it's for our benefit, turns out to be true =)
Hi, You can try introducing cabbage and peas. You can introduce these by mixing with mashed potatoes
How you give the veg to your baby? You can try any green leafy veg. Or peas.
How did you cook for your baby? Maybe can try dou miao, watercress..
Nai bai, bok choy, any leafy vegie will do
I have the same problem with veg too
Cai xin, xiao bai cai :)
Pea sprouts!
Mum of 1princess