Newborn pampers
Hi Mummies, what brand of pampers should i buy for newborn? Which brand has many good review?

I’m using peekapoo for #2. She has sensitive skin, but so far no allergy or diaper rash when wearing Peekapoo. 2 packets, total 160pcs only $32 on SuperMom website. Very cheap!!

Newborn goes thru a lot of diaper changes. If budget is of a concern, can look for cheap brands like pet pet first. Then upgrade when they're older and require less diaper changes
Actually for newborn really doesn't matter as I change every 2 hrs after or before milk. Once baby grow older like 1 month then different. Am using mamypoko or pampers premium.
Read moreHi mummy lazada theres pampers premium 1x deal you can buy and check it out.
Bought merries! Mamypoko was another brand I considered as well
Pampers premium. Huggies diapers are super small.
Pamper brand or rascal and friend
Huggies cos used by hospital
I use Huggies for both kids
mammypoko and huggie