Weight after birth
Hi mummies. Will our weight still be the same after birth?#1stimemom

immediately aft birth I noticed tt my stomach came down quite a fair bit. n I lost around 3+kg by day 4. my bb weight 3kg. total weight lost aft a mth is 8kg, im breastfeeding bb exclusively n had 10 session of massage + binding. tummy already back to normal, if fact more toned n less flabby compared prior to pregnancy.
Read moreI was 54kg before baby, pregnant with 1st baby became 70kg, then managed to go down to 58 only. Then preggo with 2nd and went up to 72, then now down to 62. Dunno when I will go back to before 🥲
U May loose 3 to 4 kgs once u got delivered, if u continue breast feed then there is much weight loss , also u may see ur calories in take after delivery in a healthy way to loose weight ..
Hi Mama, Of course not! You would have shed the weight of your baby and the other contents of the amniotic sac. When you start breastfeeding, you’ll lose weight too. Good luck!
I lost all the extra weight after 2-3 weeks as I sweat a lot during confinement. but stomach pouch is still not back to normal after 2 months
During pregnancy my weight was 72kg after birth it became 58kg