13 Replies

VIP Member

No dont give up. Every mummies experience it some even more bad. Its a blessing when you know you are pregnant. God bless us with it we should accept. My 3rd pregnancy, all 3 I have very bad heartburn till now. For current pregnancy my nausea and vomitting is really bad till almost 6months and I cant work and taken 2months HL. Difficults at times but try to have more meals in small portion. Im worry if i never eat baby never grow. Manage to pass thru the diffucult time and my appetite went back to normal. Spoken to my gynae and told her my heartburn problem taken medication to ease my problem. If severe nausea try talk to gynae to take medication eat whenever you feel bad. Eat some foid that you like and wouldnt cause you feel like puke. Jiayo!!! All is worth it

VIP Member

I am a first time prego. And so far no discomfort. I feel no difference from pre pregnancy period. So I'm not in the position to comment much from personal experience. But I have heard from people that when they see and hold the little one even the first time they feel it was all worth it. Talk to your husband. Sometimes talking to someone about our worries helps in reducing the burden. And who else other than your husband will the non judgemental person you can count on to. Also try taking to the baby often even if you are in the early stages of pregnancy. Just think your baby can hear and feel you. This will help in building a closer bond. I always praise my baby for being so understanding and patient and for not troubling mama 🥰

Yes i did feel veryyyy "sian" very troubled bcz my first and half of second trimester was veryyy hard bcz of the vomitings and the nauseasness that is alwaes thr 24/7 plus the many kindof smells that i cnnt stand that will trigger the vomiting. And plus my cranky and all of a sudden clingy toddler. I told my husband i dont wanna get pregnnt again aft this bcz it was very bad. But i nvr felt like i wanna give up on this pregnancy bcz we planned and yearned for it aft a miscarriage when we're trying for our second. So i persevered and stayed strong. Bcz it's all worth it and wont be long aft we see our baby. Once baby comes, I'm very sure all bad feelings will go awae 🤗 Jz hang on ok ❤️ You CAN do it 💪🏻

I am going through the same feeling as you throughout the whole pregnancy. I want to give it up so badly. I hated pregnancy, all the pain and stuff is taking a toll on me but just looking at how patient and caring my hubby is, attending to me. I feel everything is worthwhile, I am willing to tolerate all this s*** just to give birth to his and my baby. Hang in there, I hope and believe all these will be worthwhile when you get to hug the little one. ❤️💕❤️

During my Trim 1, I had horrible morning sickness to the point that I hate to be pregnant and I was blaming my husband for making me pregnant etc etc. but once I'm in Trim 2, I felt like things are getting better. Yes, there's backache, there's cramps etc. But I started to be happier as a person, talk to your husband or friends about it. Things will get better👍🏻

I went through 5 weeks of progesterone jab 2x weekly for both pregnancy in 1st tri and also vomiting... then last tri gestational diabetes.... been super whiny throughout... then follow by the torturing breastfeeding for 10 mths for 1st bb. now 2nd bb still breastfeeding at 3 mths.... I really hate being preg... luckily is over...

no. why would i... i had the worst all day sickness with my first and was warded 3 times at the hospital cause i couldn't eat or get up plus I have anemia but I dont feel such feelings. I chose to be a mother and I will fight for everything

Same, backaches, bellyaches, hemorrhoids, feeling sick no appetite to eat and moody plus having to deal with so much body changes and stretchmarks makes me so sad and depressed sometimes. But I believe when baby is out it’ll be worth it.

No, we didn't. We were told that our 2nd child has the most 80% of surviving rate or may not live long after birth. We didn't give up; and she has been certified normal and healthy. What you are going through now is definitely worth it.

Yes i did. Definitely feel like giving up during pregnancy when im at trim 1. But you will get pass through. When you hear your baby heartbeat and photo, you will know that every hardship you went through is worth it. Perserve it! :)

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