Sleeping position
Hi mummies, Just want to check what is the best sleeping position for pregnant?specifically for 3 months pregnant?Coz some say it is good to sleep sideways on your left but some saying on the right?which do you think is suitable? Thank you?

Online says it's best to sleep on your left..but I used to slept on my right during my long you are sleeping comfortably and please don't lie on your tummy. Most important is your baby grow up healthy. (:
Sleeping on your left is the best because it gives maximum blood circulation and nutrients to the placenta. You can do a research on this in Google. But sleep whichever side you’re comfortable with.
Thank you for your response😊
Left.. but really just whichever comfortable.. dun stress over such teival matter.. i sleep left right flat yet baby still healthy..
Thank you for your answer😊
i heard left but it doesn’t hurt to switch sides sometimes too. but for third trimester, best to lie on the left side.,
It really depends on which one you are comfortable with but recommended to sleep on the left side
I like to sleep on my back although sleep on the left side is the most recommended one.
Thanks for your answer.
I sleep on my right, it's more comfortable for me.
Thanks for your answer😊