4 Replies

Hi mummy,. The general recommendation is that if your gyne gives u the all clear to carry ur child, u can still carry him for as long as u may wish. As the bump grows bigger, u may want to explore back carries. SSC like tula and ergo can be restrictive caz of the belt, so u way want to consider wrapping ur child. That said, in TCM recommendations, its advised not to do or lift heavy things that are beyond 8kg. So i guess u need to balance both? If all cleared, maybe can carry for a while yar

Oh I see thanks thanks(:

I carried my toddler all the way till delivery. Got clearance from my gynae. Options when pregnant: - ring sling hip carry - soft structured carrier back carry with waist band below or above bump - meitai back carry - woven wrap back carry - onbuhimo back carry - bucklebu back carry Do join https://www.facebook.com/groups/babywearingsg/ for more info. I've shared my experience in there with photos.

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I did until I got too pregnant and heavy. I still managed to deliver baby to full term. I told her I was too tired to baby wear her and there's no space in carrier cos of my tummy.


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