Cramp after scan
Hi mummies, today i went for scan..the lady who was scanning me was trying to hard to make baby turn, so she aggressively shake my tummy. Has any of you experienced this before? She said it won't hurt the baby. It wasn't hurtful for me too but few hours after that my cramp became bad. I got cramp before i reached but after the scan my cramp became bad. Will my baby be ok? I'm 13 weeks day 1. :"(

Same hahaha what I did was I drink orange juice because on my first 2 scan the baby didn’t react even shaken and press so the 3rd time I drink orange juice while waiting for our turn and the baby is moving! Hahaha maybe you can try too 😅😃
Ya, sometimes no choice, need to press harder to see clearly and you may have cramps or a little achy afterwards. But in the future, if it is too painful when she is scanning you, you can tell her so she will ease a little.
Yes my cramp lasted till the next day after scan hahaha. Thank you mummy for sharing!❤
yes, it ID normal I think.. my week 12 scan wad also like that, the person said pressing down hard is ok because baby is well protected so no need worry.. then keep shaking to make baby move also.. ask me toss left and right also..
I was shocked hahahaha! Thank you mummy i'm glad to see positive response😘
I just did my scan ytd too. was it the one for down syndrome test? she pressed really hard as she explained there was a lot of gas and cannot see baby. I didnt get cramps after the scan but I did pee a lot tho
Yes that's the one and yes seems like it's normal for them to press hard. We just have to bear it a little🥴 Hope you're doing good mummy😘😘😘
Hi mummy! Yes it’s normal :) I had 2 big bruises on my abdomen after my 13 week scan! It was painful but I really wanted to know if my baby had any risks. Hang in there, it’ll go away soon! 🥰
Omg bruises? Poor you thank god i did not get any bruises but the cramp lasted till next day😦 Thank you for sharing dearest mummy, i feel relief💋💕
13weeks no need worry. I did my detailed scanned at 20 weeks my sonograpgher stab at my tummy with the probe but my baby still did not turn. I had to go fast walk all over the mall 🤣
Hahahahaha omg saaame! Had to went for 20 mins walk, baby still did not turn😑🤣 But the lady finally got to measure the head. Baby probably follow mama cause mama lay down to much😳🙊 Thank you mummies❤
hi yes, its normal. once the sonographer pressed so hard I felt pee coming out 😅 as the other mommy suggested, can let her know not to press too hard next scan 👍🏼
Hehehehe🤭 Thank you dear mummy will let her know next time!!🤩
Yes it’s normal. Sometimes they have to press hard really hard to get a good image of the baby. No harm , don’t worry about it. Mine was at 20 weeks scan 😊
Thank you mummy for sharing! I'm happy baby is fine after the scan💕
Normal, mine she shake so much still baby didnt move so i also use my hand and shake baby so that i can see the gender.
So glad it's normal, thank you mummy😍
yes my scan was like that too. baby is fine, 5 months old now
Awww😍😍😍💞 Hope you and baby are doing fine and happy! Thank you mummy😘