Keeping 4mths LO hydrated

Hi mummies Since my 4mths LO does not require to feed every 2-3hrs anymore, what’s the best way to keep baby hydrated before feeding? Not sure if I’m doing it correctly, I’ll give 20-50ml of bf in between the next feeding. Since they can’t consume water.

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My 5m old is on full EBM. Drinking every 2 hourly since I don’t bf. If you DL then just feed on demand. As long as diapers output is good (5-6 diapers), then baby is hydrated.

2y ago

Hello again Jasmine! 👋🏻 My LO is still the same taking 80ml ~ 110ml every 2 hours 😂 But yes, diapers output ok then no need to worry about the dehydration ☺️