Induce labour
Hi mummies! Can you share your experience of induce labour? Thanks in advance! :)

I'm not a FTM but had my 1st induced labour on Feb. Reason due to fever because I had a premature rupture of my membrane (waterbag leaked at 35w3d). Admitted for 3 days before I was induced when the fever occured. No pain when induced but only when the contractions started. Took epidural way too early this time at 3cm dilated and I really regretted my decision cos it didn't work for me and I had to endure the pain for 3 hours. Gynae also did a membrane sweep on my cervix to quicken the dilation cos both mine & baby's heart rate was high. Thankfully I gave birth via vaginal delivery, if not I have to go for emergency c-sect which also thankfully didn't happened as I was really scared and very worried cos I have never had a c-sect before.
Read moremy BP was high during routine checkup at 2+, so gynea did a membrane swipe w/o informing me at 39+5 wk =( and send me to labor ward immediately. she induced me at 3+ and I took epidural at 5pm, was 3cm dilated. my 1st epidural only lasted 90min and had to wait 2hr+ for a 2nd one because the nurses didn't believe tt the epidural was not working and delayed for 2hr before informing the doc. thankfully the 2nd epidural lasted till I was send back to ward after delivery at 4+am. I was fully dilated at 2am and started pushing. too numb from epidural, so didn't exert strength properly throughout. in the end, gynea was informed and she use forcep to deliver bb within 15min. from start till end was close 11.5hr.
Read moreI'm FTM, had induced labor one day after my EDD. Checked in to observation ward at 11pm and started to monitor the contractions (approx 4 hours). The pain was bearable. Then given pill to dilate cervix and also clear bowel. Pushed to labour ward for simple breakfast while waiting for cervix to open up. Administered epidural at 10am+ and continue to wait for cervix to open up. Asked to start pushing at 3pm+ and gave birth close to 5pm. With epidural, pain is minimal/ bearable for me.
Read moreim not so sure what your concern is but i think mine went well 9+pm the doctor came to put the thing and then i started having contractions at around 2/3am (can’t remember the exact timing when you’re in pain) and then depending how long you dilate for, the baby will come out when it’s big enough
Read moreFTM and induced labour on EDD. Laboured for 13 hours before delivering naturally with epidural administered at 4cm dilation. Get the epidural earlier so you can sleep and have energy to push later on. Induction on its own is painless. Good luck!
Read moreFTM. Induced at 40w, the procedure is ok, water bag burst immediately with immediate contractions that were unbearable, couldn't take the pain after 7hrs and took epidural. Ended up with normal delivery.
I was induced with my #1 and #2. Overall it was ok for me and I never take epidural so the contractions was intense. I cried throughout the contractions 😅
I don’t want to scare you but I’ve heard some mums saying that they weren’t able to dilate well enough and had to go for emergency csect