Induce labour

Hi mummies! Can you share your experience of induce labour? Thanks in advance! :)

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I'm not a FTM but had my 1st induced labour on Feb. Reason due to fever because I had a premature rupture of my membrane (waterbag leaked at 35w3d). Admitted for 3 days before I was induced when the fever occured. No pain when induced but only when the contractions started. Took epidural way too early this time at 3cm dilated and I really regretted my decision cos it didn't work for me and I had to endure the pain for 3 hours. Gynae also did a membrane sweep on my cervix to quicken the dilation cos both mine & baby's heart rate was high. Thankfully I gave birth via vaginal delivery, if not I have to go for emergency c-sect which also thankfully didn't happened as I was really scared and very worried cos I have never had a c-sect before.

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