Pus. Is it normal?
Hi mummies, just saw this pus on my 1mth old baby..is this normal?

Baby's skin can be very sensitive at first. Try to put a warm compress and see if it subsides aft a day or two. To be safe, don't put any cream. If it gets bigger or remains the same, u may want to consult PD.
My LO had the same thing, but we left it alone and after awhile the pus dried up and dropped off by itself. Mine is now 6 weeks old - so don’t worry just be patient.
I tot it was normal cos I ask ard and they told me it's normal after BCG jab. just have to keep it dry and clean.
Yes . Is normal . My LO have this too even til now but slowly getting better
if BCG yes normal. I squeeze out the pus and it's fine after that
Do consult the doctor if it doesn’t go away or gets worst!!
bcg scarring process. but if gets worse to see pd.
Please consult PD