Mummies, any review on any baby stroller? Looking for light, easy to keep and not to hot when baby sit.

Hi I have two strollers. First is a combi one that weight less than 5kg. Can easily keep and open even if i go out alone. Combi strollers are good for lightweight usage. However my baby still does sweat in it especially on her head . But what I don't like about this stroller is the most upright position is not upright enough so as my gal gets older she prefer to sit up and interact with us. Also combi strollers are usually only suitable up till 20kg or less which means by 3 or 4 years old they won't be able to fit in. Now people may say after four year old they hardly sit in stroller. It is true but when we go overseas or we go out for the whole day they still need somewhere to nap. That's the reason why I bought a second stroller. My new stroller is Inglesina Zippy Light which is made in Italy. The keeping and opening is very simple too. I can do with one hand. It has good suspension and weights only 6.9kg. But I must say even 6.9 kg feels quite heavy if I were to carry it out on my own. But this stroller is already considered one of the lightweight ones with good suspension and allows my gal to sit in it till about 30kg. It can also stand on its own after you fold it unlike the popular Mclaren umbrella strollers. I like it a lot. Bought at $499 from baby kingdom. However if I am taking public transportation or going out on my own the combi stroller is still the one I will use because it is super light. Inglesina I keep it for using when my husband is around. Another brand you can consider is Britax. I saw it during the recent baby fair and the canopy behind can be unzipped to expose the head so that baby won't feel too hot.
Read moreI bought a Phil & Teds smart stroller from the US and we love it. You can ship it from Amazon. - It's easy to keep and close - It's light enough for me at 10.7kg. - As for whether it is hot, I think its ok... but SG is always hot if you're not in aircon.. The best thing that I like about it is that it is very very slim, I can navigate it in the smaller ntuc's aisle and it can also pass through the normal MRT gantry. Babyzen Yoyo is also very slim and light but I find that the seat for BabyZen Yoyo is much lower, whereas this one is of the standard stroller height.
Read moreI would say Combi. You can never go wrong with Japanese brands. Though it may be a little pricey for me ($500plus) But it's good. Lightweight Easy to fold. Able to stand on it's own. Cooling too. I will buy combi once all my strollers which been passed down to be breakdowns!
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Bugaboo its my favourite! Light, small, compact as well and it has beautiful colours. Downside, very pricey =(