4 Replies

Super Mum

I personally it’s not a good thing to pump before the milk kicks in. When you only have a bit on colostrum the first 2-3 days, every bit of it should go into baby’s mouth and not get stuck on the pump parts :) When the milk comes in after that, keep latching on demand first and pump in between those direct feeds. The supply will build, don’t worry:) Also make sure you drink about 3L/day, eat well, sleep well and don’t stress out (severely lowers milk supply). All the best!

Latching is the best way to start and helps in milk productiom. Try to get the lactation nurse to help you with the massage and milk will flow.

Just keep latching. :) babies are way better in getting milk rather than pump :)

VIP Member

Jus use syringes and hand express colostrum.

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