Any mummies notice your LO sleeping patterns a bit differs especially this

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Hi mommy, by this "month" do you mean your baby's specific age (which you didn't mention) or are you referring to the "THIS MONTH" as in the 7th month haha. #creepy None of my friends have said anything out of the ordinary but they make it a point to not be outside with baby when it gets dark. One of my girlfriends (she is super superstitious) even sleeps with her kids in this particular month just because she wants them to be "safe".

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9y ago

Babies move about when they are in light sleep (REM sleep). This is also the point where dreams happen. Adults also do the same :)

How different is the sleeping pattern? There is nothing unusual for both my kids this month, and they still sleep soundly. But there are times not during the 7th month when they didn't sleep well and woke up screaming and crying. So I would say don't worry, if there is any change, it is not because of the 7th month. =)

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