Is it normal to be afraid of how your unborn baby will be like?
Hi mummies, is it just me, or is it normal to be sort of afraid that if your baby is being born unhealthy or having any abnormal issues/figures or anything of that sort? I know deep inside me that I shouldn’t be thinking of that sort of things but curiousity gets me.

Yes, it’s normal..I was overthinking when I was pregnancy so I always pray for good of my baby, did some things which made my mind get busy and tried to positive thinking.. Please stay healthy, enjoy the pregnancy and think positive ❤️
I had the same feeling too. Always having that negative thoughts but I will try to brush it off everytime. Distract yourself by looking at cute baby pictures/videos :)
yes it's normal I have this thinking too when I'm pregnant try to distract yourself.
I was also same. worried a lot.
Is normal. Try to relax.
yes, normal