delivery without any pain relief
Hi mummies, Can normal delivery be done without any pain relief? How painful will it be? Does the pain comes from the contractions or the pushing part or the vagina stretching ? Will our vagina tear if we do not push too hard?

It can be done. It’s horrendously painful, but it can be done. Haha. The contractions will be very painful, for sure, then before your water bag bursts, you’ll feel it bulging inside you and then explode when a big contraction comes. As baby comes out, you do feel a tearing hot sensation as baby comes down the birth canal. When it’s so painful, you can’t help but push hard, and your vagina will very likely tear, especially if this is your first vaginal delivery, so they’ll probably do an episiotomy to prevent severe tears that rip the anus. In my case, this was my second baby, so it was roomy enough for only small tears. Even then, there were tears. Having no painkillers wasn’t my choice, by the way 😂. The epidural didn’t work. Then before they could sort it out, I suddenly went from 4.5cm to 10cm within half an hour. Lol. Such is life.
Read morecan. it can be done. but then, its up to your pain tolerance. i didnt use pain relief cause im scared of the side effect. so i try give birth normally and trust me, it is very painful, its unstoppable till your baby is out. but its fast if you breathe and push.
yes .. depending on ur pain tolerance I would rate it about 9/10. need to follow momentum push when the contraction come , need to ensure its already 8cm or u feel the urge like baby head coming out so it won't tear