No more ultrasound?
Hi mummies, my last ultrasound was at 28 weeks and baby's weight was 1.2 kg. Afterwards there have been no scanning whatsover. I'm currently 37 weeks. How do i know whether baby's weight is on the healthy/unhealthy range, big or small etc..? So anxious :/

Unless you have pregnancy complications, then yes there'll be more ultrasound. Otherwise you'll only get 4-5 ultrasounds. Has gynae started to measure your belly? That's how she'll know your baby's fundal height, big or small.
yes. that'll be the last scan. unless your pregnancy is higher risk or with complication. I only get 3 scan in total. am 33w 4d now.
Ah i see. Thank you for the response! :)
I got short scan to check position every 2 weeks since 32w, because baby is breech.
All the best to you mummy! Talk to baby more so that baby can head down early :) baby will listen to you!
Dun worry mommy, you will know the baby's weight after delivery (:
Thank God! Was so worried! 😩
Hi , why there isn’t any scanning after 28 weeks?
Oh cos for me I will visit my gynae every month to check the status of the weight and growth. I’m with tmc. Maybe you can ask your gynae to do a final check for you before you give birth ?
Another year of being pregnant again!