Fetus weight at 28-30 weeks

Hi mommies, care to share your baby’s weight at 30weeks? I’m 29wks+ along & was told that my baby is on the chubby side, weighing 1.8kg. 🤔

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when I was 29 weeks I was told that my bb was 1.7kg which is pretty big. gynae told me to cut down on my sugar in take lol 😆

3y ago

My diet & glucose levels are in check. I don’t hv sweet tooth either. Gynae only mention that baby is on the chubby side.. I’m just worried she’ll gets too big

at 28 weeks baby was 1kg. gynae never mentioned if baby is too big or small, just that everything is ok.

28 weeks and 5 days and baby weight is 1.379kg 😊

I’m at week 28 and fetus weight is 1.5kg!

At 28 wks plus mine was 1.1..