Hi mummies! I'm planning to start BLW with my son next week when he's 6 months. I've started feeding him gerbers oatmeal and some fruits when he was 5 months 2 weeks. I want to start BLW with sweet potatoes first. But i have no idea how.. care to share on how you start BLW with your LO?

Firstly, is your LO sitting up unassisted? Only when he is able to sit up straight and lose his tongue thrust, then you can proceed on with BLW. Have you learn infant CPR? Because you might need to perform CPF in some cases. Do you know the difference between gagging and choking? Is everyone (staying with you) supportive of BLW? You can read more from the book BLW by gill rapley! For us, We have tried 1. Toast w unsalted butter 2. Penne w spag sauce 3. Ban mian 4. Zucchini 5. Cod fish 6. Salmon 7. Broccoli 8. Cauliflower 9. Cucumber 10. Corn 11. Spinach 12. Carrot 13. Sweet potato 14. Meat balls ( pork and chicken ) 15. Fruits such as apple / kiwi/ grapes / blueberry/ cherry tomato / pear / mango / dragon fruit 16. Seasoning such as cinnamon powder , herbs and spices. Happy exploring!
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