Nausea All Day Long ☹️

Hi mummies, I’m currently 6 weeks 4 days in to my first pregnancy and my not so “morning” sickness is taking a toll on me. I’ve been trying all the natural remedies like scratching a on a lemon peel for the citrusy scent and eating sour lollies to slow down the nausea.. I’m even wearing those sea sick bands but they’re not working that well… Any tips from you lovely ladies? ☹️ It’s really a yucky feeling. Up till the point where I had to leave my job because I cannot get up and function normally without feeling giddy or wanting to vomit every other hour.. #1stimemom #advicepls

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Hang in there momma!!! Choose foods carefully. Select foods that are high in protein, low in fat and easy to digest, and avoid greasy, spicy and fatty foods. Pay attention to nausea triggers. Mine was body odour. I can smell anyones body odour a mild a way and will throw up badly. 🤣 Anyway, If your morning sickness symptoms persist, your health care provider may recommend vitamin B-6 supplements (pyridoxine), ginger and over- the-counter options such as doxylamine (Unisom) for management. If you still have symptoms, your health care provider may recommend prescription anti-nausea medications. Check with your gyne on the next visit ok. Hugz!

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I had a rough start too. Almost vomiting everyday. I ate Marie biscuit the first thing I wake up each morning, thinking it’ll absorb the acid to prevent vomit. Then I was introduced B6 vit but I was still vomiting and nausea all day. Until diclectin, my vomit reduced but was still vomiting so I increased my dosage. And found out most of my trigger is the cooking oil smell( found at home, during lunch and evening time) and it stays in the house all day if not ventilated. So I use coffee pouch to breathe in a bag sometimes. I eat gummies. Ice popsicle helped me a lot.

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I had a rough start too… I kept using mouth wash to rinse off the metallic, nausea-inducing taste in my mouth. I mostly ate Meiji plain crackers and ate some fruit gummies to get me through. Hope you find some food which you feel more palatable.


try sip some water get yourself hydrated, you can drink gingen sugar free ginger pure tea to curb morning sickness, take a portion of meat or dont take too much meat. eat regular more meals but small portion.

Hi, i had a tough time at 6 weeks and my gynae gave me diclectin as she said I lost “excessive” weight (1.8kg in 2 weeks). Diclectin helped me and I could start eating better. You can consider that.

I also had a rough start, nausea all day and also my super sonic nose. I don't like strong smell of food that sometimes i lose my appetite. I tried ice chips, and it helped me a lot.

you can try ginger tea or eat ginger candy. this works for alot of ppl. If you cant eat foof do try n eat fruits instead like apples. Just hang in there, these phase will pass

you should see your gynae and get IV drips. that's the most effective way to help your nausea now. I did the same when nothing else could keep my nausea away.

for me, do not take hot food/drinks. try letting them cool down before consuming. it worked a little bit for me. and also to break down meal and drinks size.

Maybe you can try having warm tea with a slice of lemon or chew ginger with honey candy..