Nausea All Day Long ☹️

Hi mummies, I’m currently 6 weeks 4 days in to my first pregnancy and my not so “morning” sickness is taking a toll on me. I’ve been trying all the natural remedies like scratching a on a lemon peel for the citrusy scent and eating sour lollies to slow down the nausea.. I’m even wearing those sea sick bands but they’re not working that well… Any tips from you lovely ladies? ☹️ It’s really a yucky feeling. Up till the point where I had to leave my job because I cannot get up and function normally without feeling giddy or wanting to vomit every other hour.. #1stimemom #advicepls

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try sip some water get yourself hydrated, you can drink gingen sugar free ginger pure tea to curb morning sickness, take a portion of meat or dont take too much meat. eat regular more meals but small portion.