Down syndrome test
Hi mummies, I'm currently 11 weeks and a day into my pregnancy. Anyone did down syndrome test during their first trimester?

I am 37, no family history of abnormalities. I took Harmony test cos I wanted to assess the risk and be ready to make future decisions. I don’t agree that a baby will not have abnormalities because nobody else in the family has such issues. The cell mutation between u and ur husband can cause abnormalities even though both sides don’t have DS history. I strongly suggest that everyone over 30 to do it.
Read moreDid the test just to makesure that im well prepared for anything that happens. Better to know your chances earlier to me! But everything is fine even up to the 20week growth scan. Will recommend to take for ease of mind & if u are under subsidy. If not, 20week also will scan to find if baby have any abnormalities
Read moreI’m 9.5 week new mom. Today just drawn my blood 🩸took the test for Down syndrome & etc (including know sex of the baby). As I’m consider some age just a safe side for personal family planning. Hopefully it help in your decision making.
Read moreI took oscar on my week 12 because we both wanted to prepare ourselves and also for a peace of mind.Thankfully the results were favourable. It was in KKH under subsidised route.
Husband and I decided not to take. We feel that it'll add on to the anxiousness that we're having since we're first time parents. Just for reference I'm 29, FTM.
I’m exactly 11 weeks today, just one day later than u! My appt with gynae will be on 12 weeks to do the Down syndrome blood test! Are u also going to do? ♥️
hello! i’m same week and day as you! hehee ! i’m going to take the test in another 2 days as gynae recommend me to go. i’m 32 years old this year. ftm.
i did detailed scan NIPT together. not sure the difference between Oscar and the detailed scan. doc didn’t say anything about preeclampsia. did you tell your doc you prefer to do NIPT first ? or you can ask for detailed scan add on?
I rejected both cause me and hubby are mentally prepared and ready to give our full love to our future son/daughter no matter what.
I did not as gynae said that i’m still young, he’ll recommend high risk pregnancy woman to take down syndrome test.
Took the NICE (NIPT) test on my 10th week as recommended by my gynae. FTM. 30 YO.
Trusting that He will bring me thru this