Covid - 19 Vaccine

Hello mummies. I’m 28 weeks and not sure if I should get vaccinated for Covid - 19. I am so worried about Covid. Advise?

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I’m at week 27 and after much thought, I decided to take the vaccine today. Because I think the risk of me getting covid and affecting the baby is more than the vaccine affecting the baby. I got assurance from my Gynae that the vaccine will not pass through the placenta to the baby only antibodies will. With Singapore opening up and the more contagious delta variant, everyone around me is fully vaccinated and they can still be carriers of the virus to me. Weighing the pros and cons, during delivery I will be exposed to a lot of people in and out of the suite. And my original plan of vaccinating after confinement. I’m worried that my body might be weaker and any side effects I am worried I can’t handle especially with a new born around. So thought that now is the better time to take it. Either way it’s a risk! So it’s just to weigh which risk we are willing to take. And don’t feel pressured it’s all a personal choice and you must be comfortable with your decision :)

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I'm at 20 weeks and though gynae says it's OK to take it, I've decided not to until after delivery since there's not enough data and evidence that suggest any "deformities" or implications to the baby during the first few years when they're born. I'll only take it after confinement when my baby is out. This way, he still gets the antibodies from me through breast milk, minus the risk of complications. The government's aim is to get the entire nation vaccinated, so indefinitely there won't be articles available to us about the risks the vaccine carries toward our babies if we take them whilst pregnant. All articles are pointing towards going for it. It's a personal judgement and decision for us as pregnant mums. For me, I wouldn't risk it and would rather take precautionary measures like stay out of gatherings or be at places with crowds, so as to minimise the risks. The influenza and pertussis jabs we take now are good enough. Mask up and sanitise all the time!

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hii. Im currently 21 weeks and im planning to take my vaccine. Im like u too. Still having deep thoughts if i should take it or not. At first im planning to take only after i give birth which is my due date around dec but when i think back again, i should take it now. Honestly yes we might be staying home safely especially if we are housewife but sometimes we have our other family members who is working outside. I guess it based on invidual but whatever it is asked ur gynae for advice ok. 😊

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Hello. My gynae advise me to wait until I give birth because she said don’t wanna risk it. But I do have a lot of friends who’s pregnant and taken vaccine and their baby turn out ok. So ultimately it’s your decision. I choose to wait because I trust my gynae and I will take her advise. She also mentioned if I’m working as front liners then different story. Prolly just take the jab. I stay home as much as possible to prevent myself and my family from covid.

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week 35 took vaccine been two days since vaccine no other side effecta apart from sore arm that goes away after a day or two. Best to consult with gynae as they know your condition best, and if they say its ok to go ahead, the rest is really up to you. Nothing is a bad decision, you have every right to your decision as you know whats best for you and baby, take care mummy

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Week 36 and will be taking it after confinement. If you are in a low risk job and predominantly WFH, I guess you can choose to take after delivery. But if you’re seriously worried and it’s causing you stress, I reckon just go for it. No point worrying when you can actually do something about it?

I am now at 26 weeks, i had both dose of COVID-19 vaccines done. 1st Dose was done when i was 18 weeks preggy n 2nd Dose was when i am at 23 weeks preggy. If your doctors encourage, you may go for it. To me its good to be protected both mum n baby will receive the protection.

Vaccinated with first dose before getting pregnant, and doctor has advised me to get the second dose only after week 12, but I'm getting second thoughts too since there's really not enough data and evidence to support the safety of the baby.... Still thinking abt it

4y ago

same here. i tot to take my 2nd vaccine maybe 13weeks onwards.. eventho my gynae said just take asap . no need to wait until 13 weeks. currently I'm 10weeks preggy

I am 16 weeks and my gynae told me to take the vaccine. She said “i am gg to give you a choice, it’s either covid or covid vaccine.” She also added that currently there are 4 preggie mums with covid who are warded.

hi i'm 34weeks already. Personally i still have not take that Covid Vaccine cause for me its still new. i don't want to take any risk for myself and baby. I only take the Influenza vaccine..