5 Replies

I think it is a mosquito bite. my boy had this a few times from different places, in school and sometimes near our home. He just gets a very bad reaction from bites. You can try MyLO itch relief patch from shopee. It helps to reduce the size of the wound. And you can also get those itch relief foam from PD if it gets very itchy. for my boy, this usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks to heal. As for prevention, maybe request for her teacher to reapply the repellent every few hours.

This is definitely not a mosquito bite, I used to get this all the time and it’s actually sandflies. It’s honestly very itchy & painful, I use SOOV gel you can get from Watsons/Guardian but I’m not sure if it’s child friendly. Also, mosquito repellent doesn’t seem to work for me I use lavender essential oil and it kinda works to repel some away

This is mosquito bite. Different child reacts to mosquito bites differently. Mine is blistered bites whenever mosquitoes bite him. For me, I apply Paw Paw cream and it helped to ease the itch and dry up the wound. See if it helps yours.


have heard Bao Fu Ling works pretty well... consider giving it a try?


can check with pharmacist

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