2 Replies

I forgot which month my LO weaned off night feeds but I’ll brush her teeth after her milk before bed. For morning feeds, she’ll drink then go back to sleep and I’ll brush when she wakes up. Does your daughter have any preferred or current liking of any characters? My daughter loves frozen so I got her Elsa toothbrush. She will brush herself first then I’ll brush thoroughly for her after that. Can also on brush your teeth songs and get her to mimick. You can also ask her to brush yours while you brush hers (when she’s focused on your teeth, quickly brush hers😅).

For brushing teeth, we sing a made up song about brushing teeth to make it fun. We sing it every time when it’s time to brush teeth so she knows that it’s going to happen. And we also brush our own teeth in front of her to let her see that it’s something that papa mama also do. So far it’s working, but sometimes also see her mood. 😆

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