6 Replies

If u feel OK and ur pregnancy has no complications, low risk, no prior miscarriage, u can do it right from the start. For my first pregnancy with my firstborn, we continued to do it from start till the last tri. But this time rd for my 2nd baby, we refrain frm it in the first trimester as I had 2 miscarriages prior. We resumed in the 4th month when baby is confirmed all healthy and aft done the necessary checks e.g NIPT. Continued till 32nd week when I started to have more frequent braxton hicks. Lessen the frequency before 37th wk to reduce chances of preterm birth. Aft tt it really depends on u whether u want to or not (baby alr full term at 37th wk) as it can help to soften cervix and make u go into labour faster.

Hi! I had fibroid that doctor said could increase the risk of miscarriage. After finishing the meds in the first tri, and once we feel it was safe, we started doing it on my second tri onwards 😊 As long as you do not have complications it should be fine!

Hi! I had intercourse from the start all the way till third trimester. In fact if you are in the mood, just go for it! If your pregnancy is low risk, it should be fine. Can check with your gynae too if still in doubt x

Did it during mid 2nd tri cos just paranoid but I know it’s supposed to be safe 😅 cos before pregnancy sometimes will hit the cervix area during sex and can feel it..but then in third tri just stopped again

I do it from the start, weekly or once every 2 weeks. Its safe to do sex as long as you dont have complication like low placenta or placenta previa or threatened miscarriage

I have fibroid, high risk due to age, but done it from the start. no issues for me, but to be safe. maybe just check with gynae..

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