Toddler dislike milk
Hi mummies, i have a 4 yr old toddler and he dislike milk. He only drink milk once a day ( morning). What can i do to boost his milk intake? Thxs

Hi there Mama 🙂 Here are some tips to boost your little one’s milk intake! 1: temperature - if you give your child hot milk, flip it around and you could make a nice cold milkshake for him. 2: pair with biscuits - put together your child’s favorite biscuit with a glass of milk, let him dunk them in the milk and eat them. 3: smoothies - if your child likes certain fruits, blend them with milk and create a smoothie! Not only will they have their milk intake but also consume natural vitamins. 4: breakfast cereal - mixing his favorite cereals with some milk and adding a bit of natural honey, dried fruits, nuts … 5: milk popsicles - make your milkshakes and freeze them in different moulds and turn it into a snack! Hope this helps 😊
Read moreYou could try other dairy products like yogurt or cheese. You could even mix in a half tea spoon of nutella or something similar.
mix with food he likes? mix with cereals, and coacoa powder to make chocolate milk, add raisins and fruits etc
try using mixes, Like chocolate or strawberry