Hi mummies, i have a 13.5 mths old baby and currently expecting no. 2 at abt 12 weeks. Before preg with no.2, i will coax the lo to slp if he wakes up at nite. As my current preg is unstable, i could not do the carrying n nightcare, hence my helper n mil took over. My helper has gone back home n my mil has been doing nightcare for abt 4 mths. As my mil is gg overseas next week, last nite i tried to coax my lo to slp so that i can prepare for next week as mil not ard. He woke up at 2am and was still sleepy. I coax him but an hour later he was still turning n tossing. As i took too long he got more awake till 4am. My mil came to the room n lo went to her for carry. Seeing him awake we gave 120ml milk n after finish he doze off v quickly. I believe he was tired but not used to me hence cant go back to slp. I feel upset and at a loss for next week. Regret to let go the nightcare but i need to care for the bb in tummy. Any mummies have advice or similar experience?

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