How many weeks do you start to request to wfh?
Hi mummies, at how many weeks do you start to request to wfh? I’m 29 weeks now and I feel so heavy and breathless all the time. My company require us to go back 4 days a week and the transport to and fro work is taking a toll esp when baby is pressing very low. Did anyone manage to get gynae to write a letter just to request to wfh?

I did request for wfh for my second pregnancy because my boss is a micro manage lady and even with the wfh memo the last third mth only allow me to wfh 1 day a week last 2nd mth 2 days a week and last mth no need go back.. now my third pregnancy due in oct is at another company which originally has 2 days wfh arrangements already.. so my boss tell me sept onwards no need go bck office just wfh till I give I suppose it depends on boss.. even with memo they might nt allow or allow only minimal wfh..
Read moreI requested to wfh from 35 weeks onwards cos the remainder of my work are more administrative and didn't need to face clients. I think it really depends on your type of work and your manager. I think good to share your struggles with your supervisor and see how they can support.
Yes, you can request for a wfh memo from your gynae. I requested for it at 35w but I still go office twice a week, really cannot avoid.
really depends on our manager... mine allowed me to wfh off & time since 2nd trimester
I’m in my early 2nd trimester and planning to request to wfh later. Hope its ok!
I did so from 36 weeks