how do i store and use breastmilk that is good for 1 whole day

Hi mummies, how do I store breastmilk? Should it be on a separate storage per feed (e.g. 6 feedings should have 6 separate storage)? Then when i thaw in refrigirator for 24hrs to be used on the next day, is it still ok to consume those within the day? Please advise. Thank you

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Many mummies have different ways of storing milk. I’m a lot more afraid of contamination, so I usually store each batch of pumped milk separately. If I’m going to use the milk within 1-2 days, I store the milk in a sterilised breastmilk storage bottle in the fridge. If I’m not going to use it soon, I store the milk in a breastmilk storage bag in the freezer, and away from the raw meats and other stuff. When baby needs the milk, I heat up what is needed. If an individual pack/bottle is insufficient, I’ll warm up 2 of them. There are a few reasons I don’t thaw milk in the fridge (again, this is just me).. 1) That’s another environment where contamination of the breastmilk storage bag may happen, 2) my bottle warmer (Philips Avent) is able to warm up a frozen pack of milk in under 10 minutes using the highest setting, and 3) I’m still direct latching too. I’m also the kind that will wash and sterilise the pump parts after every single use, instead of once at the end of the day.. so I think it just depends on your preference, and the sensitivity of your baby’s stomach:) I seriously don’t want my LO to get diarrhoea from my EBM. Heh.

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i combine all the milk at the end of the day then measure & freeze. i also bottle prep for the next day. for frozen milk, i thaw in cold water for about 10mins then when it’s still icy/in slushy form i prep my bottle, this is so my 24hrs starts later. 24 hrs start after the last ice crystal has thawed

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5y ago

i don’t label with time since i do this, some people prefer to feed morning milk to their babies in the morning & night milk at night but i tried many times & see no difference. i actually found it more of a hassle 😅 bm can vary throughout the day, maybe some pump will be fattier, less/more hindmilk etc, so combining them ensure that the milk is “consistent” & my lo won’t be missing out on maybe a fattier feed in a day. it depends on ur comfort level on whether u’re ok with not labelling time :) try checking out @bemybreastfriend & @exclusivelypumping on instagram, their accounts helped me alot 😊


I store it in one bag of 9 oz. Like I pump in the morning I'll store the morning one tgt to make it 9 oz. When baby want to drink I will bring it to chiller and let it thaw slowly. I will pour all out into a tupper ware container and spilt into feeds.


I store in storage containers


I separate storage per pump