it's before sunset by 6pm best is for baby below 6 months. yes I believe initially I don't until I realize my baby very pantang I don't want to suffer. list 2 scenerio. 1. our family went out with friends for BBQ until 12am we reach home. baby slept from 12.30am to 2.30am to 4am stay wide awake very cranky keep crying slept at 4 plus wake up 6am same thing for 3 nights. 2 hour sleep cry 2 hour. 2. we went shopping home around 10pm. baby refuse to sleep until 2am. after she doze off she will cry in her sleep every 30 to 45 min till morning 6am.
we took taxi back at about 7 plus, baby cried very badly in taxi. from then on, we make sure she reached home before sunset. now baby is older, she is able to stay outside longer..
No, I stay in the opposite end of SG from my mum so I always bring baby to her house m from morning 8-9-m till night around 10pm. So far never had any issues.
no i'dont 😁 and my baby still ok till now 1yo.. but we have to know what is allowed and what is not in treating babies according to the medical
Hi, I think overall being careful is definitely required but otherwise I don't believe in any such thing
There's no such thing at all i bring my boy out, he is only 2 months but be home before 6
no such thing! just be extra cautious of your surroundings je when you're out at night.