which weeks can know gender ?
hello mummies. this is my first pregnancy and im currently 18 weeks. i have an up coming appointment on 31st may at NUH. does anyone knows which week can i know the gender ? i mean normal appointment not the early scan and all.

I am 18 weeks now and I was admitted to KKH last week at 17 weeks. They were doing ultrasound to check and when I ask, they can tell the gender already so my guess is 16 weeks onwards it is visible already.
My gynae tried to show the gender at wk 16 but he did mention its not clear. Anyway he just wanted to share even thou we alr knew is a ger. Wk 20 they will show again when doing the detailed scan.
Some gynaes may try to check for baby's genital frm wk 16 onwards but it won't be confirmed until u go for the wk 20 detailed scan.
Normally at 18th week should be able to see! But also sometimes depends on the positioning of the baby. 😂
16th week cn tell gender. but depends if baby open leg or not. but accurate will be 20 weeks onw.
it depends. if ur baby opens leg or what during scan, maybe you can know the gender earlier :)
13 week from my NIPT result. And my 20 week detailed scan also showed :)
more accurate would be detail scan or when do some test
usually around 16 - 18 weeks..bit usually not confirmed
20th week. we new our gender during the detail scan.