Wisdom star childcare
Hi Mummies, Any feedback on wisdom star childcare ?

I sent my daughter to Wisdom Star for playgroup at 19 months old. Things were not great, and there were many inconsistencies between what was discussed during the school tour and how things progressed once she was enrolled. I hope this review informs the decision of other parents considering this school. We withdrew our daughter from the school after 5 months. Below are some reasons why. While the playgroup teachers in the school were generally caring and nice, there is a lack of structure and many areas for improvement/concern. 1. My daughter entered playgroup and it was her first time in school. The first week was expectedly hard for her but there was little to no updates from the school unless I texted to ask a specific qn. Further to this, there was illogical threats used to attempt to pacify my daughter; “if you don’t eat, mummy and papa won’t come”. This only fortified my daughter’s fear of school and I can’t begin to imagine how anyone could have eaten better with such anxiety and crying. 2. Check in and Check out photos are not mandatorily completed at the door. There will be times where the check in/check out photo is a black photo of nothing or a picture of the wall (???). There was also one time, where the photo was of my daughter squatting and sobbing alone inside the school (post drop off). It is perplexing how the person uploading it did not consider how upsetting it would be for the parent to see this picture almost 35 min after drop off. 3. When the playgroup teacher (EL teacher) is absent, there is simply no lessons or make up activity for the students. Instead, students are fed lunch as early as 10.20am. We know this because we went to pick up my daughter at 10.25am, and the playgroup class was already in the process of eating lunch. (Seated and eating) 4. The food menu is not transparent and disseminated. Even after asking, only the catered menu (lunch) was shared. We had no idea what our daughter was eating for breakfast or snack time. Even when we asked the teacher/teacher assistant at the door, the answer will be something vague like biscuits (what biscuits?) or bread (type of spread etc). 5. There is no health check at the door for the students in the morning. At my daughter’s birthday celebration, there was a fellow classmate with his nose completely drippy and wet and he was allowed to play and sit with the rest. 6. There is little/no outdoor playtime, even though this was assured at the school tour. The principal (P) at that time said that the students go out for a walk/outdoor play on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But this is frequently cancelled if there is a teacher absent etc. In the 5 months that my daughter was there, I believe that they went out for a walk about 5 times. 7. Administratively, things are also lacking structure. We submitted the birthday celebration form about 1.5 months before the celebration date. Two days before the celebration, we received a text from the P that said they overlooked that two kids were celebrating on the same day, and asked if it was okay. Given how the celebration was in two days, there was no way for us to ‘not be okay’. The cakes were ordered, the leave was applied for and the children were already looking forward to it. Similarly, we submitted the withdrawal form about 2 months in advance for withdrawal in November. Yet, the December fees were still deducted. Subsequently, the P texted to inform me of this error and assured me that a refund was underway. The school needs more time to figure out their systems and routines for it be an effective learning space for the students. The new P has made some improvement with celebrations for Halloween/Deepavali. There was also a class photo taking session that was arranged at the end of October. But there is a definitely a long way to go.
Read moreMy 6 month old goes to infant care there (2weeks and counting) and she's loving it. She kicks excitedly just before we enter the 'private' lift lobby. The teachers and principal are friendly and they give her outdoor time and interact with her frequently. I am very pleased with the teacher student ratio of 1:3 for infants. The principal also showed us the weekly curriculum for playgroup up to N2, which includes calligraphy and writing practices, and it gives us confidence that she will be well-prepared for primary school. The childcare center is affiliated with WeeCare, and they have experience with Early Intervention, which is reassuring to know.
Read moreIm not too sure. But i suggest to visit to the centre personally. U can then see the premise, how the teachers interact with the kids, etc
hi mummy, can i know the rate for the first payment to wisdom star child care? and how much mthly you need to top up the fee?
Hihi, best to contact the principal at [email protected] for full details because there had been some changes since opening.
Hi anyone has the contact of this childcare...cant seem to locate any contact details online at all.
Nurturer of 1 naughty little heart throb