7 Replies
my girl is 9 n still drink fm .. i nvr stop her just change the stage (stage 5 or kids fm and fresh milk) ah but drink from a cup not bottle.. for breakfast and before going to bed. and ofc she stop diapers at 4 yr old totally.. my lil 2 yr old is at stage 3 fm n im planning potty train at 3 yr old since he can start telling us he going poo but yet to let us know he going wee wee pee
My kids stopped formula at age 1. With Diapers my older one took a long time to finally be out of diapers at night - age 5. My younger one pretty much self weaned age two and a half
both my elder kids stopped wearing diapers by 3. i let them pee before bed time. and for fm, they stopped at 4.
my girl just turned 3. Still on 3 times FM per day. and can go diaperless during the day. 😀
she stops using diaper at around 3. stop FM around 6
Thank you so much mummies for your reply ❤️
2-3 years