Contraception after giving birth
Hi mummies! Did your gynae keep talking about contraception options? What are the options you are considering? Im thinking of the implant one. But a bit scared i dont know why. Haha.

I had inplanon and iud before. Implanon was just a pinch on your arm. IUD insertion hurts. Implanon made my hormones crazy. Easily angry, upset, gaining weight, losing hair, irregular period. IUD was very nice to my hormones. I was chill, loved it . Period was really regular. Implanon removal hurts slightly more than a pinch cause after a few years it gets stuck to your flesh, hence a bit harder to remove. IUD removal hurts like a bij. Very very uncomfortable. BUT each person is different, maybe you'll go through differently except for the insert and removal part. It's mostly the same feeling.
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