Hair Fall
Hi mummies, desparately need advice! My hair fall is so bad. I m 3 mths pp but still hair faill is a whole handful each day. Started to have balding patches alrdy. Tried all the good and ex shampoo tonic etc. But dont seem to help.

Oh my, hairfall wasn't a problem for me. Every mama went through the same. Only thing was the super itchy scalp which came with the hormone imbalance! I researched and discovered rubbing jojoba oil into the scalp over the sink before I start shampooing in the shower. Hair grew out pretty quickly after the scalp got happy and healthy.
Read moreIt’s normal for our hair to fall(due to hormones) around 4 months into PP, will be better and hair will grow back around 9 months into PP. Try to eat healthy diet food to prevent further hair fall
You are welcome :)
It’s common for post natal, happen to me as well. Have you visit those hair salon like Beijing 101, etc. I never try it personally, but some mummies Friend does. And physio gel shampoo too.
I shall try the physio gel... not really into those hair specialists cos my friends went and it never worked for them...
It’s normal and you might experience severe hair fall for up to 6 months ... this is to compensate for the zero hair fall during pregnancy 😆
Hahaha then I have to tahan anothet 3 months!
It is just hormonal change probably I hope this article helps you:
Thanks mummy
Maybe due to hormonal changes, try cleaning up your diet and see how it goes? And hydrate yourself, don't be too stressed!
Yup need to try :)
Hi... you might find this article informative
Thanks :)
Hi, It is happening due to hormonal changes. Try to be stress free and have more fruits and juices in your diet :)
Thanks mummy :)
If u have long hair you may want to consider cutting it short first...Most of us go through the same thing, hugs!
Aww... thanks :)
Your hormones might be off sync. Make sure you're taking care of yourself and eating a balanced diet
Yeah trying very hard to be less stressed and eat healthy
"yay motherhood"