Bring 4.5 months old out

Hi mummies, aside from just walking around park, is there any place that we can bring our 4.5 months old out ? Sometimes i feel bad he’s always either at ifc or at home. He’s starting to get more aware of surounding, likes to look at surroundings. Be it people, people cycling, kids at playground, vehicles passing by. Sometimes also like kpo😂 Thought of going to sea aquarium but scared he’s still too young to want to see things. Is there any like “kiztopia” but for infants😂

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Sea aquarium was great! About this age babies do alot of tracking, observing and just oohing. So if u have the funds go to places and see sights. They may not remember going there but the experience and feelings lasts forever. The downside is money, and logistics like feeding, diapering, crowd, going to nap peacefully. I mean how many naps can baby have in a noisy environment, they also benefit from quiet naps too. E.g. places like MBS, gardens by the bay, zoo, SEA, museums I know parks are boring but make it fun! Do walks every other day around ur neighbourhood while talking to baby. Like dont need to be malu about people looking at u like u crazy haha. Just talk and talk and talk. All the languages u use, descriptions etc. The benefits of speech and language wont be reaped until later so start now. Its exhausting but talk about ur feelings, what u plan to eat later, ur day at work etc. Stop and actively point at flowers, chase after birds, track clouds. E.g. seaside, park, lap around the neighbourhood, market, library, shopping mall. I usually even stop to start the most random conversations with a postman, a random auntie on the train, a baby at a playground. Just play, converse, observe! Also just went to kiztopia yesterday since baby almost one year. Burnt forty bucks when baby suddenly flip from her gung ho extrovert personality to a full one hour plus of anxiety ridden meltdown. So maybe save indoor playgrounds for later hahahaha. Outdoor playgrounds more worth the exploration and run away from people factor. Whatever it is, just go anywhere and everywhere and also do nothing too 💖

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actually baby finds everything interesting since everything is new to them. and their attention span is short so going to attractions likely to waste money (they may turn cranky very fast too🥴). I think even a simple morning/evening walk at nearby garden spaces or places like e beach where he can hear e waves, smell e salt, touch e sand and water would be exposure already!

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Park, hawker centre, library, neighbourhood shop houses