Mummies help pls

Hi mummies. Can advise what's this on my baby's vagina? Or should i bring her to the doc? Do share on how to treat them. TIA.

Mummies help pls
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my gal also has diaper rash around the middle portion and 1st PD I went to advise me to wash with their pink himalayan salt and to use ceradan at the affected portion but after 1 week still not recover and I went to another PD which prescribe me with steroid cream no choice cause very hard to recover as she is suspected to have frequent loose watery stools that also causes this and advise me to use desitin blue. have to wash the butt for every poo and to air dry before wearing diaper and have to freq change the diaper and always to apply desitin. took another 1 week to recover after that. have to faster see a PD to fix it before it spread to more portion.

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Mummy, for now use desitin purple and every poop or urine must use water and air dry.. dont use towel or even wet wipes.. Jiayou!

Bad diaper burn. Need to see PD. Need to check infection level to determine treatment

please bring to PD ASAP mummy! looks painful to me..

Oh my, it looks bad. Pls bring her to the doctor

VIP Member

Severe rashes .. better to check with PD


yes please, bring her to PD asap

pls bring her to doctor.