7 Replies

Hi yes I intro mine at 1 year old . Suprisingly he likes it . No , I dun warm the milk . Usually I would pour a glass of milk in his sippy cup and I would bathe my LO . As soon as he is dressed up , I serve him the milk . At 1 year old , he should be getting not more than 700ml milk . The rest of his nutrients are from the food he is getting . So u can start reducing his milk intake . I served 200ml , 3 times a day . Substitute the rest with plain water , hope it helps

Yes, can! Your son should be getting all the nutrients, proteins from the food he eats. He can actually stop the FM & drink fresh milk instead.

Yes follow the same routine as breastmilk, you can mix and slowly phase out breastmilk in one feed or feed a bit first and see if your child accepts. Remember to look at the ingredients list and get those with 100% fresh milk or 100% full cream milk. Some may say full cream milk on the label but it’s ingredients are milk solids which are not as good.

U can try Dutch lady full cream milk. It has more fat and vitamins for growth. And actually very delicious, your son might love it.

Great! Will try it out ! but do I need to heat it up first? how do I heat up fresh milk? as some say it will kill the nutrients?

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yes, replace 1 feed to see if he accept then slowly replace with more feeds

yes,Can make sure it's pasteurised :)

yes 1 yo can. choose full cream

Yes can!

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