Low placenta

Hi mum, did u encounter low placenta? I'm 12 weeks pregnant, I went for scan, and the doc told me that my placenta is lying down on my c-sec scar told also it may be risk when go for operation it may be bleeding I'm worried. Need your advise. Thank u

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Hi mummy, I had low placenta for 2 pregnancies. The 2nd one was placenta previa (major) and yes, I bled alot during the operation and had to insert a balloon in the womb to stop the bleeding.

2w ago

hi mummy, thank u for replying. Alhamdulilah everything when smoothly. Can I know did ur placenta sticks to the womb? because the doctor told me that if they are unable to remove the planceta, they will remove my womb. can I know during ur operation they give u sleep or half body numb?