Postnatal massage after cesarean
For mothers who had cesarean birth and did Jamu postnatal massage, could you share how many weeks after giving birth did you do the massage?

if you wanna do after 2 weeks, just ensure they dont touch the wound area. after 6 weeks is best to do but its recommended to do after 2 weeks cos they are afraid your body will have wind. it helps to do after 2 weeks to recalibrate your body and gives energy.
Regardless of the no of weeks, be sure to find highly recommended post natal masseuse...alot of them charge highly but are not traditionally trained...normal and c-section births have differrent technique to be applied when doing massage...
I did it 2 weeks after birth! But it depends on how well you heal also. My gynae gave the go-ahead then I arranged the jamu appointments (:
Did mine after 1 month. I made sure my wound was fully recovered prior to massage.
Hey, I have heard from my friends that after 3-4 weeks you can take the massage
Best to wait till the wound has healed. Generally 8 to 14 days
Did mine aft 2 weeks. But nvr touch tummy at all.
2weeks, after visit gynae and seek her advise
6 weeks, according to gynae recommendation
I heard after 3 weeks is best