Cannot feel baby moving

Hi moms, I’m a 2nd time mom and with my first, I started feeling baby movement at 12 weeks. I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd (at 16 weeks now) and this time round I felt it as early as 9 weeks. I thought it was just my imagination, but when I went for scan at 12 weeks, then I realised that what I felt were real cos baby was super duper active doing somersaults and sliding and punching and kicking like nobody’s business 😂 But since yest I couldn’t feel any movement. Baby is usually very active and punches/kicks hard so I’m starting to feel worried if there’s anything wrong inside 😢 Shld I try to wait it out today and tmr to feel for baby, or shld I just immediately go A&E?

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wait it out first by end of today , if still no movement u can go A&E.. I also felt my baby at 13wks but when i told my doctor he told me that it is too early to felt any movement but i knew what i felt..

3mo ago

so long your baby is growing and healthy u no need to worry alot eventho we mum will always be worry laa.. yr baby will move again more in 20wk plus or so.. i wish u all the best in your journey.. take care

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12 weeks ways too early. Earliest 16 weeks but gynea said it’s small movement call quickening.. if u worries then u should inform ur gynea