Do's and Don't of a Breastfeeding Mom

Hi momshies out there! First time ko magbreastfeed please advice what's best food to eat and drink. I always drink coffee(ie: 3in1/milk) may effect po ba ito sa baby? Thank you!☺️ #advicepls #needyourOpinion

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Super Mum

limit to 1 cup a day. if kaya totally wala mas maganda. pwedeng makaaffect ang caffeine sa baby, like di makatulog. as for food, eat healthy food as much as possible. happy latching!

Bawas sa caffeine intake, kung pwede ihinto better. May effect din sa quality ng breastmilk ang kinakain tsaka iniinom naten.

wag na po muna kau mag kape momsh kung maaari.. mag milo nlng nakakalakas pa ng gatas bcoz of malt..

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